June is a special month for me and my college friends since Sundz and Noreen are having their birthdays just 4 days apart. Our June 2012 party is as fun as it was celebrated from the past years, but this year it was more fulfilling and relaxed. We had no booze, no loud music, but we had a blast!
We went to that place where ladies carry a package, but they don't know yet that that gift is the best gift they'll ever receive. Our goal is to make them realize that at the end day. Hope we'll be able to achieve our mission!
Off we go. Yka- a very happy kid with her balloons Prepping the FOOD. |
Our snack box includes special pancit, lumpiang shanghai, and barbecue. We also brought balloons and fun-filled games for our special guests. The trunk is full of goodies- baby and mommy milk formula, dypies, wipes, baby clothes and stuff. But where are we headed to? We went to Grace to Be Born. It's a shelter for unwed soon-to-be-mothers, who once in their life thought of committing the silliest sin of all. With the great powers of the Holy Spirit, they were enlightened to keep the most precious gift, the gift of life from The One Above.
We're all set and ready to rumble! |
A, B, C, D. Pick me! |
As nurses, we decided to incorporate health teaching to the second game. Just some infos for our new found preggo friends. We're not allowed to take pictures with the moms due to confidentiality.
During dinner, we were sitted next to each other in a long table. It was like The Buzz, controversial questions were thrown by Cathy of course. After the chit chats, three of the mommies shared their singing talents. It was an instant sound trip. Of course, our very own dashing diva, Yka also had an impromptu song number.
Mother and Child |
To cap off the visit, we went to the nursery to play with the adorable darlings who were left behind in the center. While having my alone time with baby pogi, I can't comprehend why would they say no to an angel. I wanted to take home one! But they wanted married couples to adopt these kids. I'm not married, not even part of a couple that's why I'm not qualified. Next time, maybe?
Meet Grace To Be Born's cutie patooties! |
We were all sweaty and tired when we left the shelter, but we went home with happy faces and lovely traces. So, when are you guys planning to PAY IT FORWARD?
For inquiries, you can reach Rey Ortega at 09275010605 / 09228597035 or through rortega_corinthians@yahoo.com and Myrna
Ortega at 09178039139 or through myrna.ortega@gmail.com.