Raise your hand if you've been a victim or guilty of this crime. Or both? *hands up!* I'll bet to cut my hair really short kung wala ni isa sa inyo ang tataas ng kamay. For sure 1 out of uhmm... my avid fan will read this. So one! YOU! Don't deny! AMININ! This is specially for you!
Whether you are stalking your crush, your ex, your ex's new girl, or your current partner's ex - it's still considered as an almost obsession. I admit that I do this too. But I know my limits. There is always a border and I am fit enough not to cross over. Most are guilty of this but have you ever thought until when is stalking considered healthy?
REALITY CHECK BOYS AND GIRLS! (Though more women are perpetrators and men are the poor dimwits.) I suggest that if you have the following signs and symptoms you should rush to the nearest center for mental health in your place and have a thorough assessment to confirm if you're still psychologically well.
1. You creep to the computer at an ungodly time just to check if he/she posted something new. What happened to the party she went to last night? What time did she come home? And oh, she's an outfit repeater! How would you know? You obviously scan through all the public albums available.
2. You purposely get late for school/work just to get updates. You've been in front of the computer noticing how many times she changed her profile picture. That's the only thing you can get updated to since she decided to keep her profile private. Not only that! When you reach your office desk her profile page is on your list of favorites.
3. Due to privacy settings, you are banned to see her wall too. You desperately ask for a mutual friend's password just to have a quick peek to that wall post that you are not yet finished reading.
4. You exaggerate stories and jump into conclusions that lead to a fight with your current partner. Sometimes you know more what they are up to than they do.
5. You ask random people to follow/add/subscribe to your prey's account. Pati sa stalking may proxy?
6. After checking your mail in the morning the next thing to do is not to grab a caffeine fix but to view her page like your daily newspaper.
7. You know the complete names of her siblings, cousins, and close friends by heart. Even the tiniest details like what school they went to when they were in kinder, the day she'll be coming back from a vacation, and the names of her pet dogs. That is way too scary my friend! I really hope this last number was crossed out from your check list.
If cyber stalking is a business you're probably a zillionaire as of today. I know that you are trying to defend yourself right now - that whatever that fool is displaying online is considered as a public property - available for everyone to read. If you are plainly reading and looking at it then that is a-ok. You are still harmless. Thank God! BUT if you are already causing too much trouble, starting to ruin relationships, and screwing up lives. Then, Hell yeah little girl, that is already a mental disorder. Remember, envy is one of the 7 deadly sins too! You don't want to die young, don't you?
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